All files used here and avaliable for download are copyrighted.
Remember: commercial use is not allowed!
Copyright by
Tomasz Mazur 2003 (tmazur@uce.pl)
The wallpapers are sized to 1152x864 and 1024x768 px in jpg (RGB)
format. Files are packed with WinZip. Mac users should use Stuffit
Expander to unpack these zips.
Compatibilty info
I suggest using
Internet Explorer 5 or
Netscape 6
for Windows/Macintosh computers. I've tested the site in Opera 6,
iCab and Mozilla - there are no major problems. Netscape 4.7 has
problems with displaying backgrounds - simply update to slow but
more compatible version 6. This site uses no flash, javascripts
or other stuff like that. Simply pure html code and gfx files. For
best viewing set screen resolution to 1024x768 in truecolor.
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