may ask - why "back to the roots"?
Just because I decided to work as I used to almost 10 years
ago. Around 1995 I did my first pictures in Deluxe Paint on
Atari ST. The pictures I have placed in this site are done
on PC and Mac but the idea is the same - I do what I like
to do without any suggestions. If you like any of pictures
you can download it and use as a wallpaper on your own computer.
I had a lot of fun doing these pics and I hope you'll have
a lot of fun watching it.
Some greetings
Grzegorz Pawlik (thanks for books), Smuga (cu soon), Jche
(thx for hardware), my brother Marek (how do you find this?)
About this site
I did it one day (Jan 2003), listening to M. Bilinski and
Jamiroquai music :) Check compatibility info at "File
info" if you want to know technical details.
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